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Stochastic hydrodynamics for relativistic and non-relativistic fluids

Date and Time: Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 03:00pm - 05:00pm
Location: Room 112

Speaker: Mauricio Martinez Guerrero (North Caroline State University)

In this talk I will discuss the effects of hydrodynamic fluctuations in non-relativistic and relativistic setups. Within the framework of stochastic hydrodynamics I obtain a number of model independent results, including the long-time tail of different transport coefficients, and the leading non-analyticity of the correlators of energy, momentum and particle density in non-relativistic and relativistic setups. The presence of hydrodynamic fluctuations induce lower bounds on the transport coefficients by analyzing the low frequency limit of different correlation functions. I determine the lower bounds of the bulk viscosity over entropy ratio in a cold Fermi gas near unitarity. When extending this analysis to the case of a U(1) conformal relativistic expanding fluid we observe that the values of the shear viscosity and heat conductivity are bounded from below. In both setups, non-relativistic and relativistic one, the lower bounds on the transport coefficients are weakly dependent on assumptions regarding the range of applicability of fluid dynamics. We conclude by discussing some preliminary work on the effects of critical behavior of the heat conductivity, shear and bulk viscosities in heavy ion collisions for a system close to the QCD critical point.

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