PHYSICS and ASTRONOMY have been central to the mission of Rutgers for 250 years.
Your gift to today’s Department of Physics and Astronomy enables us to conduct cutting-edge research and educate talented undergraduate and graduate students who will become the researchers, industry innovators, and government leaders of the future.
We invite you to make a gift and make a difference to Physics and Astronomy students and faculty by supporting one of the following dedicated annual funds:
- Chair's Fund
Supports undergraduate, graduate and faculty initiatives that promote academic excellence. Gifts are used for student and faculty research support as well as on-campus conferences, workshops, and public lectures. - Friends of Rutgers Astronomy Fund
Supports and advances the research and educational missions of the astronomy program at Rutgers, including its involvement in the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) partnership. - Peter Lindenfeld Graduate Fellowship Endowment
Honors Professor Peter Lindenfeld by supporting a Physics and Astronomy graduate student who embodies and exemplifies the teacher-scholar model of learning that he pioneered. - Richard J. Plano Endowed Summer Research Internship
Supports internships for Physics majors to get much-valued summer research experiences in frontier Physics projects. - Best Paper Prize in Condensed Matter Physics
Established in memory of PhD alumnus Alexey Soluyanov, supports an annual prize for the best graduate student paper in condensed matter physics. More..
Our vision for the future includes new endowed chairs, graduate fellowships, undergraduate scholarships, and program funds to strengthen our mission of research, education, and public outreach.
To learn more about these and other exciting giving opportunities, please contact the School of Arts and Sciences Development Office at