Getting an Account
To setup a new account, a request should be sent by the supervisor (professor or permanent staff member) of the new person to
- The full name of the new person
- The group the new person will joining, and his/her status within the group. (For example, "faculty", "graduate student", etc.)
- The new person's Rutgers NetID.
Departmental Directory
The Physics and Astronomy Departmental Directory may be found here.
In addition, the Search facility provided by the Departmental Directory page is replicated via the "idphys" command on the Linux systems:
- idphys name
where 'name' is all or part of the name of the person searched for.
The "idphys" command returns the basic contact information on matches to that name.
Compute Server for Graduate Students
The Physics and Astronomy Department maintains an Apple Mac Pro compute server that is available for computational use by any and all grad students.
The compute server -- machine name "gradserv" -- features a 3.5GHz, 6-core
Intel Xeon E5 processor and 64GB of memory. It also includes 10TB of external disk space.
Software installed on the compute server includes:
- Mathematica 10.0.2
- Maple 16
- Matlab R2014b
- Python 2.7.6 and its many associated libraries